IMA India's CFO
Strategy Roundtable 2023

 15th - 17th September, 2023
  JW Marriott, Mussoorie


IMA's Roundtables are an unrivalled hub of high-quality insight and invaluable networking.

Our speakers, a mix of visionaries and industry stalwarts, ensure that these platforms are among India's leading meeting grounds for industry.

Our conferences are run in exotic offsite locations, enabling participants to brainstorm the near to medium term outlook for Finance and business in a relaxed yet stimulating setting.

4:15 PM

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5:00 PM – 6:30 PM

Adit Jain, Chairman and Editorial Director, IMA India
There are five important transitions that will shape the evolution of India as a country over the coming decade. What is different from the previous decade is the fact that these transitions are taking place very rapidly and consequently their impact promises to be powerful. In this session, Adit will talk about the changing nature of geopolitics, the economy, India’s digital infrastructure, politics and productivity.

6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

The most valuable aspect of our community is collective wisdom – and occasions like this are the optimal place to seek your views and insights on critical issues. Help us understand what’s working for you and what isn’t. This session will serve as a platform to represent business and functional interests – by highlighting issues and facilitating solutions. We will table 6-7 questions around the operating environment and ask for quick (45-60 second) responses to each issue from 7-10 people each.

8:00 PM

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9:00 AM – 10:30 AM

Ajay Bisaria, Strategic Consultant and Commentator; Former Indian envoy to Canada, Pakistan, Poland, Lithuania
It is now absolutely clear that the American-led liberal world order is being displaced. Some would argue about the rise of a duopoly with two centres of power, comprising of America and China. Be that as it may, India’s foreign policy subscribes to a multi-polar world where alliances between nation-states will be determined by their strategic interests. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has used the platform of G20 nations, to emphasise the rise of developing nations. In this session, Ajay Bisaria will share a perspective on the strategic imperatives that will drive India’s foreign policy and explain the relationship between economic and security considerations.

10:30 AM – 11:00 AM

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11:00 AM – 12:30 PM

Manoj Goel, Managing Director & Head Corporate Sales, Markets & Securities Services, HSBC India
There has been unprecedented volatility in the global currency and interest rate markets since last year. At the same time, USD/INR forward premia have fallen to multi-year lows. This session will explore some of the key emerging macro-economic trends and themes impacting the future outlook of these markets. Mr Goel will also delve into risk management tools as well as certain regulatory changes which could help Finance teams to navigate these markets better.

12:30 PM – 1:00 PM

1:00 PM – 1:45 PM

Barkha Dutt, Award-winning broadcast journalist, opinion columnist and author
One of the biggest questions around the 2024 General Elections is whether it will be a real contest – or, like the last two times, a walk-over for the BJP. A strong opposition is vital to any functioning democracy, and the recent coming together of 28 parties under the ‘INDIA’ banner is an interesting and new development. Award-winning broadcast journalist, newspaper columnist and author and founding editor of multi-media platform mojo story, Barkha Dutt will offer an outside-in perspective on Indian politics. She will examine whether this motley crew can present a real challenge to Mr Modi or whether his victory is a done deal.

1:45 PM – 2:45 PM

3:00 PM – 4:30 PM

Prof Arvind Sahay, Professor, IIM Ahmedabad
Neuromarketing is a strategy that uses a combination of neuroscience and cognitive thinking to accurately determine customer preferences. In contrast with traditional marketing strategies which are survey-based, neuromarketing seeks to enter a consumer's subconscious mind with the intent of throwing up more accurate results. How does it all work? What are the tools required to implement it? How do you adapt this to your company strategy? These are some of the issues that Professor Arvind Sahay will address in this session. Professor Sahay teaches at IIM - Ahmedabad and previously taught at the London Business School.

4:30 PM – 5:30 PM

The session will involve syndicate breakouts, with each group consisting of 10-15 participants. These groups will engage in in-depth discussions on specific challenges currently faced by CFOs. Following these discussions, 1-2 representatives from each group will share their findings and conclusions with the entire audience, with each presentation lasting approximately 10 minutes.

8:00 PM

6:30 AM - 8:30 AM

One of the finer pleasures of life is to ‘feel’ the mountains and to experience their majesty and their permanence. Take a nature walk among towering Deodars and through quaint settlements with the Himalayas on one side and the beautiful Doon valley on the other. Resolve,

10:00 AM – 11:30 AM

On the 30th of May 1999, Major Sonam Wangchuk led a column of the Ladakh scouts to occupy the ridge line on the LOC at a height of 18,500 feet. Following a sudden ambush and the loss of one of his men, Major Wangchuk led a daring counter-offensive. His actions were far and beyond the call of duty. For the display of exceptional valour, he was awarded the Maha Vir Chakra. This session will be an engagement with Colonel Wangchuk to determine what motivates men to fight for their cause, and if required, to make the ultimate sacrifice.

11:30 AM


Meet Our Speakers

Adit Jain
Chairman and Editorial Director, IMA India

Ajay Bisaria
Strategic Consultant and Commentator; Former Indian envoy to Canada, Pakistan, Poland, Lithuania

Barkha Dutt
Award-winning broadcast journalist, opinion columnist and author

Manoj Goel
Managing Director & Head Corporate Sales, Markets & Securities Services, HSBC India

Prof Arvind Sahay
Professor, IIM Ahmedabad

Sonam Wangchuk
Colonel (Retired), Maha Vir Chakra

Glimpses of the previous event

The finest conferences of their kind.

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Over the past 28 years, IMA India’s offsites have come to be regarded as amongst the finest meetings of their kind for top management audiences in the country.
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A senior and informed audience ensures that discussions are of high intellectual calibre. Participation is by invitation only and restricted to business leaders (CFOs, Managing Directors and equivalent).
Image 3
Excellent opportunities for networking and relationship building at the gala dinners and leisure and recreational activities spread out over the course of 2.5 days. A cross-sectoral audience offers exposure to ideas and people beyond one’s immediate business context.
Principal Partner


What Clients Says

 15th - 17th September 2023
 JW Marriott ,
We would love to hear from you.
For registrations, contact:
Tejaswini Rai |
Mobile: +91 9892259865
For sponsorships, contact:
Nirupama Shekhar |
Mobile: +91 9810586577

IMA is a niche economic, business and market research firm that provides insights and analysis to top management audiences in India through multiple channels. For over two decades, IMA’s research and opinion has informed the perspectives of investors, industry and government.

IMA is the country’s largest peer group platform for top functional executives, comprising more than 2,500 Indian and global business/functional heads from over 1,500 member companies. Since 1994, we have developed an unmatched capability to harness and distil collective wisdom, enabling top managers and industry leaders to interpret changes and forecast developments in the operating environment through authoritative guidance.

HQ: 107, Time Square, 1st Floor, Sushant Lok - I, Block B, Gurgaon - 122002 INDIA